Sunday, December 07, 2008

New Red Chairs

Okay, we've had them for nearly two weeks now, so when do new chairs stop being new chairs? I suppose when I decide so--maybe in about a decade or so. But I knowing how the last child of the family is often called Babe until they die, these may always be the New Red Chairs.

Looking toward the dining room, with Dave's nutcracker soldiers lined up at attention atop the china hutch. We have moved that piece of furniture all around, and eventually it will go where the other hutch is, but not yet.

The Christmas books are all out--we finally have a table to put them on. And Santa is resting there near to them (Elinor Peace Bailey design).


navigate said...

They make your house look new - beautiful.

Artax said...

I love the new red chairs! I never would have thought they'd look so good. Now I'm eyeballing my large beige chairs and thinking what a switch to red would do for my living room. Hmmm.... Maybe I'd need green or pink instead! Anyway, I like them a lot.

The Barb Chronicles said...

Wow. Looks better without that fabulous 80's print sectional in there. Now just the wall color, don't worry we are clearing away a time to come help with that.