Monday, June 21, 2010

New Bathroom Floor

New home improvement project: floor in the upstairs bathroom.
Actually Not New home improvement project: floor in the upstairs bathroom.

We ripped up the old linoleum five years ago this coming fall (two layers!) and put down tile from a shop which appeared to have all its faculties intact, but indeed, the shop left out the backer board and the tile and grout began to crack almost immediately. Yes, yes, I said. I'll get it replaced. I called the shop and they sent someone out. More cracking. They sent someone out. This someone got into a fight with the drunken boss one night and then the shop said it was his fault, and the someone said it was the shop's fault, and so we lived with the cracking lo these many years.

Figuring out the boards.

Mostly done. I would show you a done post, but I know don't like the blue rug in front of the sink and I haven't had the time/inclination to go out and get a new one and besides maybe I don't even like the color of the bathroom anymore and some new color towels might improve the view. . . Domino effect. Always.

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