Thursday, September 21, 2006

Vancouver, Canada 2006 EMS Meeting

Old Railroad Hotel Vancouver, Canada September 2006 This was the view from our hotel balcony. 


Zinnias, Ten Stems for a Dollar Granville Public Market


Berry Mountains Granville Public Market 

Vancouver's a big city, tons of condos and high-rises. A reclaimed patch of land just to the southeast, across False Creek, is the Granville Public Market. We went there Saturday, one of two sunny days in a week of rain. 

Water Taxi: Aquabus False Creek

 Flip-Flop Bear, and below that, Haida Bear


 ETOX Lunch Bunch Vancouver, Canada September 2006 Every year Dave's lab gets together for a lunch--past and present students. This year Andrew Grosovsky joined us. We ate at Imperial Chinese Seafood Restaurant, although after eating there, we think it could have been named Highly Imperious Chinese Seafood Restaurant. Good food, though.

1 comment:

Judy said...

Guess what? You look EXACTLY the same as you did three years ago. Isn't it nice to know you haven't aged at all? I'm sure that's true of the last ten years, and probably twenty, as well.