Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring Break. If I were of a younger persuasion, I'd spend the week sorting clothes for a community of farmworkers (in the newspaper recently) or galavanting in a skimpy bathing suit on a stretch of white beach (I didn't even do that when I could!), but being the age and stage I am, I view this as a Get It Done Week. The list is shorter than in years before, the pace I am moving at is glacial as compared to a thirty-year old, but still, it feels to good to get some things checked off my list.

I bought flowers at the nursery and plan to get them in the ground, this first day of spring.

Alexander and his father are keeping them watered. They came by on Sunday evening, and even though I should have been doing taxes, we played with the boys, ate a meal of grilled chicken, pasta dressed with a creamy pesto (basil from last year's harvest) and baked asparagus. I had scored some of Lara's wedding cake from the previous night--a friend's reception--and Kristen and Chad savored the delicious cake as well as delicious memories of their wedding.

Barbara and family arrive on Thursday--time for getting done comes to a close--yet we hope to celebrate Dave's 51st birthday on Friday at Disneyland, if his work load permits. Otherwise it will be cake and ice cream on Thursday night.

Time's pace is slower this week, a welcome drift.

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