Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Grandmother Needs to Clone Herself

Today, Chad's wife Kristen went into labor (she was due last Saturday), and I went down to pick up Alex, the soon-to-be big brother, but currently an only child. They live about a hour from my home.
He had helped pack his Superman suitcase. Notable items: two binkies, two pair of pajamas, two Disney videos, two books. He did have multiples of socks and a single snuggly blanket.
Simultaneously, Barbara is awaiting surgery with her five-month old son Riley six hours away in the children's hospital, so I wish I could clone myself in be in two places at once. They're staying in the Ronald McDonald house nearby. Barbara is a skilled decorator, and one of the first things she reported on was the decor of her room (sponsored by Wal-Mart) compared with the room next door (sponsored by Southwest Airlines). Guess which one came out on top? Here's a recent photo of Riley in his Halloween costume, a holiday he'll miss this year.
And here's one from his previous hospital stay last month. He's really quite healthy, in spite of time logged in at the hospital.
And my nephew is getting married this Friday. In Utah, which is neither of the above places. In honor of their wedding, a photo of a finely-crafted Wittamer chocolate. I bought those while in Brussels last spring to honor our 16th wedding anniversary. I hope this brand makes it to the States at some point, because Brussels is a long way to go for chocolate.

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