Thursday, November 02, 2006

Life Is a Mix: Two Good Things

With Daylight Savings Time turned off (Thank Heavens! I hate that artificial shifting of the clock) I drove home during the sunset. It started out with pinky swaths of cloud in a misty-blue sky and ended in darkness, the usual lines of traffic made interesting by pulsing red and white lights. So, it was an "eat out" night with Dave at El Torrito. Not the most amazing food, but the tableside guacamole is very good. A small envelope with a government return address awaited at home. Inside was my new passport. So, I browse through the old one, each inky stamp a memory.
(I also like the Chinese visa.) So, two "goods" and like I said, it's a mix. I lugged home a stack of research papers to correct. With around 40 students, at 30 minutes each, I figure I'll be done in twenty hours--just in time to collect the next round of essays.
Their final assignment in conjunction with the research paper was to present their findings orally. They did well, and I heard afterwards about mal-functioning printers, wanting to throw up, and shaking so hard they couldn't read their papers. That shaking student slung himself into his chair and said, "Well, at least I'll get some points."

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