Monday, February 15, 2010

Says You Radio Show Taping

Last Saturday, my friend Judy and I got tickets for the taping of the radio show titled "Says You." Amazingly Judy's next door neighbor was right across the aisle and using my phone, he took this picture of us (that's why it's sort of soft-looking).

What is Says You? "A game of whimsy and words and bluff and bluster," according to the website. It was held at Pomona College in the Mabel Shaw Bridges Auditorium, built in 1931. Across the interior ceiling are huge renditions of the signs of the zodiac in creamy white, against an aqua background. It's an old-fashioned auditorium, with large red velvet curtains, cushy seats and a broad proscenium and stage. Lovely.

They had two shows to be taped, with lots of clever jokes, puns, recurring jokes. It was a good day, with good company.

1 comment:

Judy said...

What fun we had! Maybe we should try "The Price Is Right" next. (Hee hee)